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A Writer's Diary


Достоевский Фёдор Михайлович, Lantz Kenneth, Morson Gary Saul

The essential entries from Dostoevsky's complete Diary, called his boldest experiment in literary form, are now available in this abridged edition; it is a uniquely encyclopedic forum of fictional and nonfictional genres. A Writer's Diary began as a column in a literary journal, but by 1876 Dostoevsky was able to bring it out as a complete monthly publication with himself as an editor, publisher, and sole contributor, suspending work on The Brothers Karamazov to do so. The Diary's radical format was matched by the extreme range of its contents. In a single frame it incorporated an astonishing variety of material: short stories; humorous sketches; reports on sensational crimes; historical predictions; portraits of famous people; autobiographical pieces; and plans for stories, some of which were never written while others appeared later in the Diary itself. A range of authorial and narrative voices and stances and an elaborate scheme of allusions and cross-references preserve and present Dostoevsky's conception of his work as a literary whole. Selected from the two-volume set, this abridged edition of A Writer's Diary appears in a single paperback volume, along with a new condensed introduction by editor Gary Saul Morson."

Memorias del subsuelo


Достоевский Фёдор Михайлович, Кансинос Ассенс Рафаэль, Кансинос Галан Рафаэль Мануэль

En Memorias del subsuelo Dostoyevski hunde la mirada en el abismo interior, en los subsuelos de la conciencia, en esas cuevas, rezumantes y tenebrosas, donde se agitan las repulsivas alimañas que el hombre, por lo general, evita ver. Valerosamente, se desliza por esa cloaca, armado de la linterna sorda que es la mirada de la medianoche. Dostoyevski visita los pozos sucios de su personalidad, dispuesto a sacar a la luz toda esa basura. Admirable sesión de psicoanálisis antes de Freud. Dostoyevski va a hacer la vivisección del romanticismo en las entrañas de un romántico. El hijo del siglo va a dejar esta vez el corazón para operar en el intestino. Y así van surgiendo estas páginas amargas, desoladas y sarcásticas, en que el gran corazón del mito romántico queda convicto de falsedad y acorralado como una rata en su cueva.

Белые ночи


Достоевский Фёдор Михайлович

Адаптированный текст истории романтической любви (2300 слов с опорой на лексический минимум первого сертификационного уровня (В1)). Ударения, вопросы и задания, в том числе тестовые, ключи, словарь.